Core Mission Areas
JSRI’s activities are focused on its four core mission areas below:

JSRI conducts research based on awareness of issues rooted in financial and capital markets businesses. We work to compile high qualitiy research results available and to deliver advice to policymakers on how to solve the various problems facing our economy.

JSRI promotes interaction among researchers at Japanese and foreign universities and other research institutions, as well as with professionals working in financial and capital markets, thereby facilitating higher standards of research on financial and capital markets and the advancement of academic studies.

JSRI strives to make use of the media to effectively communicate research results and policy proposal, while also providing specialized information on financial and capital markets and on general economic trends in Japan and around the world.

JSRI is committed to helping cultivate the next generation of researchers by supporting young researchers both within and outside our institute.
Code of Conduct for Researchers of Japan Securities Research Institute
Code of Conduct for Researchers of Japan Securities Research Institute (PDF)