Securities Market in Japan 2022
当研究所では、わが国の証券市場の仕組み、機能や現状をできる限りタイムリーかつ簡素でわかり易く解説する「図説日本の証券市場」と、これを英訳した「Securities Market in Japan」を2年ごとに刊行してきました。
「図説 日本の証券市場 2022年版」はこちら
CHAPTER I The Securities Market and the National Economy
CHAPTER II The History of the Japanese Securities Market
CHAPTER III The Stock Primary Market
CHAPTER IV The Stock Secondary Market
CHAPTER V New Issues of Bonds in the Primary Market
CHAPTER VI The Secondary Markets for Bonds
CHAPTER VII Investment Trusts
CHAPTER VIII The Derivatives Market
CHAPTER IX The Securitized Products Market
CHAPTER X Financial Instruments Exchange, etc. (1)
CHAPTER XI Financial Instruments Exchange, etc. (2)
CHAPTER XII Financial Instruments Business (Securities Business)
CHAPTER XIII Asset Management Service
CHAPTER XIV Securities Taxation
CHAPTER XV Prohibited and Regulated Acts of Securities Trading
CHAPTER XVI The Information Disclosure System and Investor Protection
CHAPTER XVII The Securities Regulatory System